Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beware of the Digitally Enhanced

Many bands have recently jumped on the wagon of having their girlfriends sing awkward duets with them. What a strange thing...is this supposed to reach the female audience who feels they can't relate with male voices? Or is it a new artistic trend...that countless bands are all using simultaneously...hmm...

I can imagine any cookie-cutter band sitting down together, discussing their next album in the recording studio. They are all sporting some new tattoos they got on tour and while recycling some old songs to produce new ones according to a predetermined, 12-track quota, the studio manager says "you know what, if we got a chick to sing this song with you we'd raise our ratings a bit. And lets throw in some fake strings while we're at it. And some overly simple piano tune that even the dumbest of you could figure out. That'll add some class to this album."

And then thousands of desperate, lonely young men learn that same piano tune in a hopeless attempt to impress a girl far out of their league. Do I speak this from experience? Or from third-person omniscience?

Anyways, Angels and Airwaves gets the "most redeemed group with a transplanted singer" award. What a vast improvement from Blink-182. And the award for "most deserving of a swift and ignominious execution for all band members due to a breech of all laws of original, creative thought" goes to Nickelback:

Copy this link into your browser and enjoy youtube's rendition of 2 songs released 2 years apart by Nickelback that sound so much alike that it will make you sick. The two tracks are playing simulatneously. And that guy's hair is nasty.



  1. Interesting, Master Tolley, I just blogged on Nickelback not 1 week ago, or was it 2? Also, you have proven your statements correct about your own blog: I disagree with your dismissal of Blink.

  2. Come on Tim you have to get emotional and call me names. Tell me WHY you disagree with my dismissal of Blink, then if your argument is good enough and if I respect you I'll just change my opinion! haha, it's that easy!
