Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Effects Pedal for Microphones

I'll be the first to develop the series of effects pedals for mics called "the sing-along series." These pedals will in essence echo on a pre-set delay to sound like an eager audience mimicking the words of the singer. The settings will be so realistic that minor deviations will intentionally exist between what the singer says and what the audience ignorantly sings.

This pedal will come in many different models. The first of the three to be produced initially will be the "shut up and let the artist sing his own songs so I can hear him" model. This is best for people who like mimicking Dashboard Confessional songs. The pedal incorporates an 85% lonely, tattooed female voice modulation, 10% mumbling of guys trying to impress the girl next to them, and 5% awkward, large, bulky men that strangely know every word of every song. Creepy.

The second pedal in the initial series will be the "we don't know your songs well enough for you to turn the mic over to us yet" pedal. This incorporates a lot of confused mumbling and awkward silences behind the singer's voice.

Finally, there is the "way to ruin an otherwise flawless live recording stupid screaming people" pedal that incorporates a bunch of nasty, guttural sounds and screams while the audience should be singing along peaceably.

1 comment:

  1. See, the real problem (the one time I went to a Dashboard show) is that he LETS everyone sing the songs instead of doing it himself. I'm all for a guy turning the mic over to the crowd for maybe one line, but it was absurd what a low percentage of the songs the guy sang himself.

    Also, you'll need to remember the "we're not a skilled musical group, just pretty faces who got a recording contract and happened to hit it big" mic, which makes the singer sound even remotely like his album.
